Friday, May 11, 2012

Never too Soon for Friday

Thank you, thank you! It's finally Friday. And a real Friday for me for once. No work tomorrow! Instead I get to cruise down to the parent's house to spend some time with my mom on her special holiday. I will also be attending a natro-path convention where my friend will have a booth set up. I'm hoping to find some potions/supplements/superfoods to experiment with.

Next week is the Third Annual Diabetes Blog Week! I am so excited to be a part of it this year. If you are on a mission to find more D Blogs or if you know someone who needs some serious educating on the subject, this is the perfect way to get it done! (This little event will also force me to post a blog a day next week--that's 7 whole posts for those counting. It will be a great challenge for me!)

Now all I have to do is survive today. It all starts with a latte (my special Friday reward), then a long, busy, eight hour shift with sixty plus very excited pooches, and hopefully time for two baths for a couple very stinky hounds of my own.

1 comment:

  1. So excited to have you participating in Diabetes Blog Week!!! :)
