Friday, April 13, 2012

Rejoice! It's Friday!

Happy Friday (we'll ignore the fact that it's the 13th and celebrate all the same)! This week was stressful (and that's putting it lightly). But I am proud to say that my blood sugars did not suffer because of it. All my levels seem to be fully recovered from Easter (just in time for another weekend full of debauchery!). The dreaded "Psych" phenomenon has dissipated, although my dinner insulin needs remain at 1u/20g carb versus 1/30 like breakfast and lunch (it requires so much less thought when everything is the same).

I will spend the weekend hiking, taking the puppy to swim lessons (yes, those exist and are actually very amusing to watch), celebrating my pre-birthday with friends, and possibly making some homemade mead (an odd adventure for a diabetic, I'll admit).

This seems like the perfect article to read on a Friday:
"The 6 Worst People for Your Diet"

(I know I am one to quickly give into peer-pressure when it involves a food I really want to eat anyway.)

And this is just an interesting article (that kind of makes me want to move to Canada):

"Tories Promise Free Insulin Pumps"

(I have yet to make the switch from pen needles to pump, but if someone were handing them out for free...)

Nopal Supplement Experiment Update:

Day 3 (4/11) Blood Sugars Cont'd:

  • 9:00 pm- 138

Day 4 (4/12) Blood Sugars:

  • 5:00 am- 75
  • 11:30am- 95
  • 7:00 pm- 120
  • 9:00 pm- 108 (The "Psych" curse is finally lifted!)

Day 5 (4/13) Blood Sugars:

  • 6:00 am- 105
Ragz contemplates getting in the water at her first swimming lesson (yes, she is wearing a life vest)

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